Add Or Remove Affiliates

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The Add/Remove Affiliate option allows you full control over who is able to sell your products. The value to be entered into this form is the numeric affiliate ID # of a BMT Micro affiliate. If you are removing an affiliate, you can acquire this number from the Affiliate Information screen. To add an affiliate, you will need to request that they provide you with this number. This is not the username that they use to login to their affiliate account.

By not selecting the “Include in Affiliate List” option on the add/edit product page, your program will not be visible to all affiliates. While this may be desired in some situations, we do recommend that you always check this box and then screen any affiliates as they join your product. You will receive an email each time an affiliate signs up to sell your product and can then use the Remove Affiliate option to remove the affiliate if they are not acceptable.

If you have opted to not include your product in the public listing of affiliate products, you will be able to add affiliates manually using this screen, just be sure that a percentage is set from the Add/Edit Product screen first. Once that is done, simply request that your new affiliate send you their BMT Micro affiliate ID# and enter that information into the form and click the Add Affiliate button.

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