Add Products

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When you select Manage Products from the menu, you will be displayed a list of all your products. Here you can edit your product information, view and test order links, edit product specific or global emails notifications and add a new product from scratch, copy existing product or set up multiple products.

Click on the Add Product button at the top right of this table to add a new blank product. If you want to set up a product similar to your current product, select the similar product from the list and click the “One” button under the Duplicate Product heading.

Primary Info

  • Product Name This is the name used to identify your product in the order forms, online catalog, order receipt/information to the customer, vendors order notifications and any dynamically written pages. The maximum number of characters for this field is 50.
  • Product Price Enter the price for your product and select the appropriate currency for that price. Please note: Only one currency can be initially set. If you would like to add prices in all three currencies, you may do so under the Edit Product interface.
  • Short Product Description This description will be used in the BMT Micro online catalog and promotions. This field is limited to 1024 characters. If you would like to submit a longer description, please use our online contact form.
  • Keywords Enter a list of keywords to be used in Meta tags and in Search Engine submissions.

Product Category

  • Platform This should be the platform needed for your product. Please note: If your product is downloaded from BMT Micro, this platform should be the one needed to process the download. For instance, if you have an embroidery design in .PES format that is compressed in a .zip file for downloading, this field should reflect the platform necessary to open the Zip file.

Shopping Cart Options

  • Show Backup CD option When checked, BMT Micro will offer a backup CD in your shopping cart. BMT Micro creates the CD with the product fulfillment information including demo or full version file and any activation codes associated with the customer’s purchase.
  • Show Discount/Gift Certificate field When checked, a discount code field will be displayed in your shopping cart.
  • Show Company field When checked, a company name field will be displayed in your shopping cart.
  • Show Phone field When checked, a phone number field will be displayed in your shopping cart. Please note: New vendors and vendors on a strict fraud check setting will still have the phone field displayed, regardless of this setting.
  • Show Registername field When checked, allows customer to buy for a friend specifying a different end user for the registername.
  • Show Delivery Email field When checked, allows customer to buy for a friend and have the fulfillment delivered to this email address instead.

Product Format List
Do not enter ANY information in this list unless you have multiple download files available for your products and have the secure indexes set up for the product. If you need help with this, please contact us

Secondary Info

Associate Download File

  • Choose an Existing File If you have already uploaded your full version file, it will appear in this drop down list. You can upload the full version directly to our secure server, or email the file to
  • Expire in Our secure download passwords expire in 31 days by default. This time can be set longer if you prefer. As an added security feature, our download passwords will automatically expire if accessed by more than one region.

Generate Codes/Gift Certificates/Subscription Credits

  • Choose Existing Activation Code Table If customer is to be sent a registration key from a pre-generated list in our database, select the Activation Code table to associate with this product. If you have not yet set up this table, please leave blank. Once table is set up, you can edit the product to use the correct table.
  • Use One Key This box should be checked if the customer is to be sent a single key regardless of the number of licenses purchased.
  • Add Code Generator Information:
    • Generate Activation Codes/Gift Certificate/Subscription Credit
    • If this product requires activation code generation for fulfillment this field should contain the location of your key generator. If using a remote key generator, please check out our full XML instructions. If using Armadillo, further instructions are available here. If you would like us to integrate your custom key generator, please contact us.
    • If this is a Gift Certificate product then enter “giftcertificate” (without the quotes) into this field. Our system will then generate a Gift Certificate code with each purchase and include it in the customer’s standard notification email. You can find more information regarding Gift Certificates here.
    • If this product should generate tickets/credits for subscription or membership purchase, ticket/credit generation information is entered here. You can find complete information regarding ticket/credit generation under the Subscription Tickets heading here.
      Character Set
    • This setting is only necessary for key generators stored on our servers. Armadillo/ExeShield key generators must be set to Windows-1252. XML for remote key generators is always sent in UTF-8 format.

If you are unsure what to select, please select the US-ASCII option and contact us for further assistance. It is important to note that the order system will present the customer with an error message if characters in their First/Last Name and/or Register/License To name (depending on the field used to generate keys) are not found in the character set chosen here.

  • Choose Existing Discount Scheme If you would like the customer to be generated a discount code for use in future purchases, select the Discount Scheme to be associated with this product.
  • Please note: Always Apply and unlimited use discount schemes will not be listed. Always Apply schemes do not require a discount code and unlimited use schemes always use the same discount code.

Add Affiliate Information

  • Affiliate Percentage The basic percentage you plan to offer affiliates per sale. This percentage is calculated on the total price of your product. Affiliate percentages can be customized for each affiliate. Set this percentage to 0 if you wish to have them contact you before receiving any affiliate commissions. Leave this blank if you do not want to accept affiliates for this product.
  • Full Description URLEnter the complete URL (including http://) for your product description. This URL is also used in the Affiliate area as the product information link. Please use the test button to check for accuracy.
  • Secure Order URL – If this link is not setup properly your affiliate will NOT get credit for the sale!!
  • This is the order form URL for this product (including http(s)://). This order form must be prepared to pass the affiliate ID information. Since it will be used to create the proper affiliate links, please use the test button to check for accuracy.
  • If you are pointing to a page that is not hosted on our servers, please be aware that:
    1. You must pass the AID parameter to our server and;
    2. The affiliate cookie is not set when the link to your website is clicked. If passed correctly the cookie is set from our secure order pages.
  • If the affiliate cookie is not set and the customer does not complete the sale until a later date, the affiliate will not receive credit for the sale.
  • If you do not know this URL, or if your order forms have not been updated to pass the necessary information, please contact us for further assistance.
  • Demo URL Enter the complete URL (including http://) for your product demo. This can be a file on your server or ours. The link given to the affiliates will be different. We will provide the affiliates with a link that sets the affiliate cookie and then redirects to your Demo File URL. You can also use this link to point to your product information page, instead of a direct file download. Please use the test button to check for accuracy.
  • Include in Affiliates Product List If you would like your program to be available to any affiliate signed up with BMT Micro, check this box. Leaving it blank allows you to use the affiliate program for selected individuals only.
    Note: Joined affiliates will always be able to view your product from the affiliate product list!
  • Use Product Specific Affiliate Cookie Leaving this box checked allows your affiliate to receive a commission only when the same product linked from the affiliate is the one the customer purchases. If you would like your affiliates to receive credit when the customer purchases any of your products uncheck this box.
    Note: For vendors with a large number of products and affiliates, this should be left checked to ensure more than one affiliate can still receive credit when multiple products are included in a single order.

Order Notifications/Subscription Handling

Order Notifications – By default order notifications are sent via email to the notification email address listed under ‘My Account’. To stop order notifications, add a different email address or receive notification via XML, fill in appropriate fields.

  • Send to Vendor Notification email If you do not wish to receive an email to this address each time an order is placed, please uncheck this box.
  • Send Order Notification to other email address Entering an email address in this field allows you to set a different email address for vendor notifications that is specific to this product only. Multiple notification emails can be added, separated with a single space.
  • Send XML Notification to remote system (full URL) If you would like our server to send each order notification directly to your server, enter URL for your server here. You can find more information and sample PHP parser here: *XML Order notifications to remote URL.

Subscription Handling – Recurring billing does not have to occur for your product to be a “subscription” product. Please check our subscription help page for more information.

  • Recurring Billing Frequency If your subscription requires automatic rebilling, please choose the frequency from the drop down list.
  • Allow purchase with Ticket If this product can be purchased with a subscription credit, check this box.

    If this product generates tickets/credits this box should be unchecked.

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