Vendor To Vendor Transfers

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Vendors can transfer funds to another vendor’s account using the Vendor to Vendor transfer interface. Transfers can be set up and edited throughout the month, except on vendor paydays. The actual transfer will not take place until the next vendor payday. If there is not enough funds in your account, the transfer will NOT be completed. If you need to accumulate funds in order to cover a transfer, please up the minimum payment threshold using the My Account link at the top right of the vendor’s area.

Add/Edit Vendor Transfers

To set up a vendor transfer, click on the Manage Transfers link and click the Add New Transfer button at the top right of the displayed table. Clicking that button will open a window at the bottom to enter the following transfer information:

Beneficiary Vendor ID

    This is the BMT Vendor ID that will receive the transfer from your account.


    Amount to transfer from your account to the Beneficiary Vendor’s account.


    Enter information regarding the transfer. Notes can be viewed by both vendors and will appear in the Vendor Transactions report once the transfer is completed.

Once this is submitted, you will be able to see the pending transfer listed in the table. If necessary, the transfer can be edited by clicking the Edit button in this table. Transfers can also be cancelled from this table.

Receiving vendors will see the pending transfer in their table and be able to cancel it if necessary. Receiving vendors cannot edit transfers.

Transfer will only be made in the currency in which you are paid. If you receive payments in multiple currencies, there must be enough funds in that currency before transfer is completed.

If you have any questions regarding the Vendor to Vendor Transfers, please contact us.

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